winter of 1946/47 in Europe (4_21)
winter of 1946/47 occurred at a time when the war at sea from 1939-1945
had ended. It does not pertain to the general theme of this study,
whether naval warfare has caused the two most significant climatic
changes in the last century. Actually, the 20th century
had in Europe – in addition to the very cold WWI winters, five extreme
winters, viz. 1928/29, 1939-1942, and 1946/47. While this investigation
has established that Europe’s war winters of 1939-42 remain in closest
relationship with the war at sea, the question is: where did the other
two arctic winters in Northern Europe emanate from? Does the appearance
of these ‘peace winters’ affect the thesis, that the war at sea has
generated the arctic war winters of 1939-42 that changed the climate?
This section will discuss this matter in brief, but elaborate in
particular the following two aspects:
- The
‘war winters’ and the ‘peace winters’ were generated under
different circumstances and are of different making.
- It
cannot be ignored that roots of both peace winters originated in the
two World Wars.
this study more emphasis will be placed on the former point, i.e. on the
‘different’ theory, without attempting to indulge in an in-depth
proceeding with the discussion, one interesting observation relating to
the winter 1946/47 deserves a mention. People in Northern Europe
who were old enough at the time of the three war winters of 1939-42 to
remember them, would tell that the winter of 1946/47 was the coldest
they had experienced. Actually, they would only mention the latter one,
but not even one of the three arctic war winters. Was it the stress of
war that the war winters were obliterated from their memory? Depending
on the region, at least one of the three war winters was colder than the
winter of 1946/47. No doubt, however, that the second winter after the
armistice in 1945 was an arctic in North and Central Europe (North Sea
countries), and ranks very high in the list of cold winters.
features of the ‘arctic peace winters’
relevant aspects seem to be the following:
- They
were late-winters; only the February temperatures were extremely low
extending the cold spell into March.
- The
air pressure over the Baltic massively increased in February (about
- The
Northern North Atlantic had a lower air pressure, while increased
temperatures were observed.
- In
Western Europe (Britain) wind came from east-south-east[1].
ranking of the coldest winters in Berlin during the period from 1814 to
1964 based on the monthly ‘sum of negative daily means’[2]
may give an indication:
is particularly to note, that the winter 1946/47 was actually a late
winter due to an extreme influx of cold air in February. This is well
illustrated by the Danish climate conditions. While January 1947 was
only 2,6°C lower then normal, the temperatures in February were 7°C
lower then the long-term average[3].
takes record
winter situation in Britain can be taken as proof that a major cause for
extreme weather conditions was the incapability of the seas around the
British Isles to prevent the influx of cold continental air due to past
and ongoing naval activities, e.g. mine sweeping. The situation is
outlined in brief: It was a record cold month and one of the snowiest
since the early 19th century starting in late January only.
Temperatures dropped in parts of southern England to –21°C.
was gloomy, windy and frosty throughout the month. In London the sun was
shining less then 70% as usual, indicating that the seas were still
acting. From the moment the dull weather disappeared, e.g. after 22nd
February some parts of southern England, measured temperatures around
–20°C. The constantly low temperatures in spite of
sky-cover-conditions February 1947 became the coldest February since
records began in the 17th century.
The extreme conditions continued in March which was even more out of
tune with average then February had been with severe snowstorms in most
of England and Wales, ice storm in the South and minus 21°C in the
northern part of the Isles. After mid March milder weather caused heavy
flooding due to record precipitation three times the average in many
parts of Britain. In London it was the third rainiest month since
records were taken. Record holder is March 1916 with about 135 hours. By
the end of February 1916 the German Kaiserreich announced that armed
merchantman would be attacked without warning. In March 1916 German
U-boats sank ships with a tonnage of 200.000 tons, or about 4 ships per
Winter of
1929 was at many Middle European stations the coldest ever measured. The
deviations were up to minus 8-12°C. In Greenland, however, it was the
mildest since observation started[4].
According to Rodewald[5]
the tropical Atlantic was the source of that extreme winter.
has been explained elsewhere that the severe warming at Spitsbergen in
1918 ‘spread west’ and southwards over the subsequent decade (A),
and that in 1928 a massive inflow of Atlantic Gulf water streamed
northwards to the Norwegian Sea[6].
the North Atlantic, respectively the Northern North Atlantic provided
the principle conditions for this event can be taken for sure. What
surprises is that this still has not been scientifically established
nowadays although the event occurred 85 years ago. It should be noted
that the time period 1928/29 is not on the list of El Niño
details: (A) Warming
of Europe, 5_15; (B) Lost
west-wind drift, 2_12.
Winter of
meteorologist Jerome Namias gives a detailed account in 1947 about the
winter of 1946/47[7].
According to his observation, the winter generated a large variation
from normal, especially in England, where the climate became continental
rather than the normal maritime in winter 1946/47. He establishes, that,
in the Northern Hemisphere there remained only two warm areas in
February 1947, one in the North Pacific (Alaska), and the other and
larger, in the North Atlantic (including the North Pole), while the rest
was subject to an extreme arctic cold spell, down to Florida, the
Mediterranean, and Japan. Namias attributes the February warmth in
Alaska as being associated with the diverted warm maritime Atlantic air.
He notes that in the United States extensive mildness prevailed in
December and January, giving way to a severe winter cold in February,
and describes the features of the January weather chart as follows:

- The
westward intrusion of the Siberian High into Europe (+17mb anomaly
over Scandinavia).
- The
absence of the normal low-pressure trough and the storm track from
the Icelandic Low north-eastward, and instead, the trough from the
intense Icelandic Low through Davis Strait into the Polar Basin.
- The
imprisonment of the North American Polar Continental anticyclone in
northwest Canada and the resultant domination of the United States
by Pacific air masses and the Great Basin anticyclone.
- The
weakness of the western cell of the Aleutian Low.
ice conditions in the North Sea were more severe than in the Baltic Sea.
Icing started early in the south of the Helgoland Bight (December 12th),
and at the west coast of Denmark (December 22nd), becoming
particularly severe in the eastern North Sea, Skagerrak, and in the
Danish Belt passages to the Baltic Sea, being the heaviest icing in the
time period 1896-1955.
detailed assessment of the air pressure situation over the North
Atlantic indicates that the seas around Britain had too little heat
reserves to prevent cold continental air to reign the air column over
the North Sea and English Channel.
between war and peace winters
- War
winters were long, lasting from December to March; see for example:
Northern Europe plunged into arctic conditions – winter 1939/40
(2_11); the peace winters developed their extreme cold spell not
before February[8].
- Peace
winters were rooted in the Northern Atlantic. The war winters of
1939-42 were initiated and sustained in the North and Baltic Sea, as
explained in a number of chapters: Sea war events (2_13), North Sea
(2_16), Baltic Sea(2_17) and Lost West Drift (2_12).
- During
war winters the wind in Britain came from NE-directions; while in
the peace winters it came from SE-directions. While the latter
situation occurred during several cold winters in England (1904,
1895, 1891, 1879, 1870 and 1845), the NE-directions occurred before
1940, the last time in 1841 and another time in 1814 and in no other
year since such observations were recorded since 1788[9].
Can the
winters of 1928/29 and 1946/47 prove something?
regard to the winter of 1946/47 it seems possible to see a correlation
between WWII activities at sea and a temporary shift in the sea water
structure of the North Atlantic. The turmoil at sea had not stopped long
before the huge amount of ‘stuff’, including bombs, shells and
‘chemicals, was deposed in the sea, and huge mine sweeping operations
continued for some more time after the armistice.
following record is presumably not a mere coincident. At Greenwich
Observatory the temperature was –26.5°C on April 4th 1946 (The
Independent, 11th April 1997, p.1). This shows that neither in April
1946, i.e. 10 months after the war had ended, had the Western European
seas and ocean areas fully recovered.
winter of 1928/29 is different as its occurrence took place 10 years
after WWI had ended. A link could nevertheless exist via the
‘spread’ of the severe warming during the 1920s.
interesting aspect remains to be mentioned. Both winters, of 1928/29 and
of 1946/47, seem to stand quite ‘solitary’ since the Little Ice Age
ceased at about 1880. They may have something to do with a ‘warming
variation in the Northern Atlantic’. They had a comparable pattern and
severity and their appearance lasted for only one winter. They have left
no mark in climate change incidents. In a warming world since 1880, only
these two winters were associated with the coldest February temperatures.
Over such a long time period they are still very close to the two World
very interesting aspect is certainly the El
Niño phenomenon that
has been reckoned in a previous chapter (West wind lost, 2_12). While
1946/47 is regarded as El Niño period, 1928/29 is listed as an anti-El
Niño event (La Niña).
Further research would be helpful as it will subsequently support the
‘war at sea’ thesis.
result of this elaboration seems nevertheless quite clear. The North
Atlantic and the North Pacific generated a situation where polar air
masses pushed far to the south.
the winter of 1928/29 seems at best be distantly connected with the
severe warming at Spitsbergen in 1918 without any direct link to WWI ten
years earlier, this cannot be said with regard to the late but arctic
winter of 1946/47. The latter can be considered a direct consequence of
the just ended WWII due to its timing, location and circumstances.
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Det Danske
Groissmayr, 1944
Rodewald, Winter II
Helland-Hansen Namias
Lenke Drummond